Silver Jubilee 1977
The first meeting of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee committee was held on the 2nd February 1977. The committee including representatives from the Womens’ Institute, Village Hall Committee, Parochial Church Council and the Parish Council. The Committee consisted of: Ken Clarke – Chairman, Mavis Plant – Secretary, Ole Palmann – Treasurer. Other members of the committee were: Mrs. Mary Brookes, Mrs. Edith Denton, Mrs. Laura Hodson, Miss Pam Pettifor, Mrs.Anne Tebbutt and Mrs. Ann Woodfield.
At the initial meeting it was agreed that the Silver Jubilee celebrations would be funded by the Committee and free to all participants. To this end the first meeting drew up plans for fund raising and Mrs. Denton agreed to host a coffee morning at ‘Allways’ on the 15th March. A jumble sale would be held in the Village Hall on the 19th March and a house-to-house collection for donations to the fund would be undertaken. Mrs Anne Tebbutt would design and produce posters and would also decorate the Village Hall with additional help from volunteers.
An agenda for the event was drawn up:
10.00am – 12 noon – Children’s Sports in Mr. Tebb’s garden
2.00pm – 3.30pm – Knockout Crazy 5-a-side Football Tournament in Mr. Tebb’s garden (soft shoes to be worn)
4.00pm – Tea, Children’s entertainment (Sleeping Beauty) and presentation of mementos.
8.00pm – Barbecue and family social, including disco and bar.
The eventual amount of funds raised was:
House to house collections – £106.88. Jubilee Fair £55.41 – Jumble Sale £27.64 – Glatton Parish Council £10.00 – Parish Church Committee £10.00 – Conservative Association £10.00 Donations from Mr. M. West £3.00 making a total of £222.93.
The Silver Jubilee Celebrations in Glatton commenced on the 4th June with a village walk organised by Ken Clarke (who was in future to organise both the Golden the Diamond Jubilee walks). The walk commenced at 10.30 a.m. with a walking time of 1½ – 2 hours and covered over four miles of bridle way, road and fields to the west of the village, taking in Denton and Caldecot, Kenny’s Oak and the unusually named Moonshine Gap Farm. All the children who completed the walk were given a commemorative certificate. The older participants quenched their thirst at the Addison Arms. (Some things never change)!
Children’s Sports started the event on the 7th June with a variety of races, including egg and spoon, three legged race, wheelbarrow racing.
These races were to be included in the Diamond Jubilee Mini Olympic celebrations of 2012.
Crazy 5-a-side Knock-out Football teams:
Birmingham – Mr. Bird, Mr. Kisby, Mr. Ivatt, Mr. Bird, Michael Scorer.
Leeds – Mavis Plant, Diane Plant, Roger Plant, Chris Kirk, Harold Kirk.
Manchester – Paul Newell, Paul Lyons, Paul Kemp, Neil Lyons, David Hart.
Liverpool – Sally Tebbs, Nick Tebbs, Jonathan Tebbs, Tim Tebbs, Angelo Stefanelli.
Aston Villa – Charlie Tebbs, John Scorer, Paul Williams, Robby Stefanelli, Ralph Robinson.
Norwich – Ole Palmann, Chris Palmann, Neils Palmann, Vic Northern, Michael Scorer.
Arsenal – Ken Clarke, David Collett, Giles Collett, Nick Collett, Melody Collett.
West Ham – Sarah Dickenson, Malcolm (?), Michael West, Hilary West, Jonathan West.
Halifax – Robert McDonald, Peter Green, George Scorer, Robin(?), Doug(?).
Leeds, Manchester, United Norwich and West Ham won through to the 2nd round, Manchester and West Ham contested the final with West Ham the eventual winners after extra time, then extra time to winning goal!
Afternoon tea was attended by virtually all the villagers. Grace was said by Rector Gerard Sharpe, Miss Ivy Savage cut the Jubilee Cake, which was then distributed to the Children, villagers stood to sing “The Queen” and Mr. Maurice Cole, the oldest resident, distributed the Jubilee Mugs to every child. The children then entertained the village with a small production of ‘Sleeping Beauty’, produced by Mrs. Denton with Roberto (Robbie) Stefanelli, Amanda Clarke and Kate Gooding in lead parts. With the conclusion of the afternoon tea, villages gathered together for photographs
At 8.00 p.m. the villagers re-assembled for the barbecue and social. Records show food purchased for the evening included 440 sausages, 144 beefburgers, 140 chicken legs and 144 rolls and butter, dried onions, crisps, pickles, mustard, ketchup, cheese and biscuits plus ‘coffee for the Ladies’. (Some things do change)! Mr. Flanz provided the music for the evening and the bar was run by the Royal Oak, Sawtry. As a result of that day the Peterborough Citizen & Advertiser published the an article on Thursday, 9th June 1977 reproduced by kind permission of the Editor, Peterborough Evening Telegraph. “GLATTON Doing the ‘conga’ all round the village street was part of the fun for all the family – that was the theme of the Jubilee festivities in the local village of Glatton on Tuesday.
Weeks of preparation by the local Jubilee committee paid off with a bumper day out for all the village’s 200 inhabitants. Children’s sports, five-a-side football, dressing-up, teas, a cabaret and a barbeque were just some of the events in a day to remember for Glatton residents.
Mr. Ken Clarke, the chairman of the organising committee, said: “We are very pleased with the way the village has responded to the Jubilee celebrations. Glatton is a very active community and all the residents have chipped in to help with the organisation.”
One of the day’s special highlights was the distribution of Jubilee mugs to the children by the oldest resident in Glatton, 86-year-old Mr Maurice Cole. A Jubilee cake was cut by Miss Ivy Savage. The committee has also organised the drafting of a brief history of the village to commemorate the Silver Jubilee. (Photo: K6646/35).”
The final meeting of the Committee took place on Friday, 17th June at which it was agreed that the surplus from the events amounting to £22.00 should be donated to Glatton Parish Council as a contribution to the purchase of the village sign. It was also agreed that the Minute Book and relevant papers should be lodged with the Parish Council and a copy placed in the Church archives.
A Memories Evening was held on Friday, 11th November 1977 in the Village Hall which consisted of a wine reception with food – Dips, crisps, French bread, butter, cheese, peanuts, chipolata sausages and pineapple on sticks, commencing at 7.30 p.m followed by a Cine-film (Mr. Wallace Hodson) and a 35mm slide show (Ken Clarke), with photographs on the walls, a display of certificates and names of the race winners. An admission charge of 40pence was made.
Thanks go to:
Ken Clarke for use of his records.
Anne Tebbutt for her poster
John Williams for his photographs
Terry Brignall for digitizing the photographs
Editor, Peterborough Evening Telegraph and
All the people who helped going down ‘Memory Lane’.